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List of Artifacts

DownloadsThe default download location for files downloaded from the internet.example.pdf/DownloadsMTP
MoviesThe default location for videos recorded by third-party screen recording applications or other video files.example.mp4/MoviesMTP
ThumbnailsThumbnails of videos watched on the device using the built-in video player.27.jpg/Movies/.thumbnailsMTP
ScreenshotsAll screenshots taken on the
RecordingsAll recordings taken on the
Cube MapsCube Maps used by the Oculus Store application when looking at apps with a 3D preview.example.jpg/Android/Media/
OBB FilesApplication OBB files used by applications to store additional data such as textures, sounds, and other assets.example.obb/Android/obbMTP
Horizon User SettingsThe users settings for the Horizon app.settings-socialvr.xml/Android/Data/com.facebook.horizon/HorizonApplications
Horizon Cached AssetsThe Horizon app caches its assets in many different locations.example.jpg/Android/Data/com.facebook.horizon/cacheApplications
BoxVR Cached AssetsThe BoxVR app caches its assets in the `/Android/Data/com.fitxr.boxvr/files/cache` directory.example.fitxr/Android/Data/com.fitxr.boxvr/files/cacheApplications
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